On Sunday, the United Nations (UN) in a new report acknowledged the efforts of the Pakistan government against terror outfits, while noting that the threat from the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had resulted in over “100 cross-border attacks within three months last year”.

The report is the 27th report compiled by the UN terror monitoring team, which is responsible for tracking groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda. The 3rd February report acknowledged the efforts of Pakistan in arresting “individuals engaging in terrorism financing” and clamping down on the assets of said designated “individuals and entities”.

The report expresses concern over the “reunification of splinter groups [of TTP]” in Afghanistan. “Five entities pledged alliance to [the] TTP in July and August [2020], including the Shehryar Mehsud group, Jamaatul Ahrar (JuA), Hizbul Ahrar, the Amjad Farooqi group and the Usman Saifullah group [formerly known as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi].”

The report warned that such a reunification of the TTP has “enhanced the threat of terrorism” to not only Pakistan but the entire region since it has “increased the strength of [the] TTP and resulted in a sharp increase in attacks”.

“TTP was responsible for more than 100 cross-border attacks between July and October 2020,” stated the report and further estimated the TTP’s fighting strength to range from 2,500 and 6,000 members.


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