Thursday: Taliban opened fire at a crowd celebrating their 102nd independence day in Asadabad. The witnesses informed that atleast 2 people had been killed and 8 injured. (Via AlJazeera)

This firing came after a civilian allegedly stabbed a Taliban. The Taliban targeted the national flag held by the people.

A similar incident occured in the city jalalabad where a man and a teenage boy were injured and taken to the hospital.

There were a few isolated incidents where the Afghan men and women took to streets to chant “Our flag is our identity”. While the Taliban rely on fear and curfews to supress the efforts.

Despite the humantarian image the Taliban are projecting to the world. The news of such unrests have started crossing the border. The Afghans have come out on streets speaking up for the integrity of their flag and the republic.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at


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