ISLAMABAD: In pursuit of its agenda to promote ease of doing business and digitalization, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), has launched a portal for expeditious bank account opening of newly registered companies.

The online portal provides banks real-time access to companies’ statutory records, thus enabling them to open corporate accounts without seeking physically certified copies of statutory documents.

Through this portal, the banks can access and verify company information directly from SECP’s records. The online availability of statutory records will reduce the turn-around time for opening a corporate bank account or availing other banking services. On the other hand, it will help banks carry out due diligence of their corporate customers, for account opening and other services.

Any bank can access the portal by applying to the SECP for creating their user accounts. Initially, this facility is being launched for private limited, public limited and companies formed for not-for-profit objects. In due course, foreign companies’ data and limited liability partnerships will also be linked and made available.

The SECP is planning to discontinue issuance of certified true copies in physical form, and consequently, banks will only be able to access SECP’s records through this portal.

Hamza Habib is a senior journalist and former editor of who has previously worked for leading newspapers and TV networks of the country. He mainly writes on the economy and political issues.


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