Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday stated that government priority is to facilitate businesses, remove unnecessary regulations as well as reform the country’s tax system, and to provide incentives to the people associated with businesses.

Talking to a delegation of industrialists and representatives from Karachi’s trade organizations on Thursday, the prime minister said he would continue holding meetings with businessmen so that the process of reforms and facilitation could be taken forward by considering proposals of the business community.

Members of the delegation lauded the government for its policy and measures aimed at promotion of industrialization in the country, particularly the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and for announcing the Karachi package.

The meeting, attended by the Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, Asad Umar, Adviser on Commerce Razak Dawood, Adviser on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, Chairman Board of Investment as well as Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), and others informed the industrialists and business community about steps taken by the government to provide incentives and make business easier.

Earlier, while chairing a meeting of the National Coordination Committee for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the prime minister was presented the proposed National SME Policy, 2020, along with detailed briefing on the broad contours of the policy.

Chairing the meeting, he directed Minister for Industries Hammad Azhar to finalise a roadmap based on timelines for implementation of the proposed SME policy in consultation with provinces at the earliest.

The PM further stressed upon the federal departments and provincial governments to pay special attention to the development of SMEs.

He added that the government is committed to extend all possible facilities to SMEs including simplification of rules and regulations, provision of credit, facilitation of tax system and facilitation of business.

“Development of SMEs plays a key role in achieving these three targets,” said Prime Minister Imran Khan. “During the last 10 years, SMEs were completely neglected, which had a negative impact on the national economy.”

The former author has majored in Political Science and Media. She is a Film and History enthusiast who hopes to be a war reporter. Currently, she writes about socio-political issues. She can be reached at


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