The Cybercrime Wing of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has raided offices of the Digitonics Lab, a software house located at main Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi, to investigate the alleged money laundering.

The agency raided offices of Digitonics Lab last night and closed all the exit and entering points of the offices. The FIA team interrogated owners and in-charge of the different departments of the company.

Sources claim that the FIA interrogated at least 8 employees, including Mohammad Suban Mirza, its the software house’s owner living in Pakistan. There is no report of arrest any employee till now.

Sources add that FIA’s cybercrime wing has confiscated hard-disks from many computers, including the Human Resource department. It also taken complete transactions of the software house, and copied data of the company to different devices.

FIA officials said that they are unable to disclose anything right now, but will release information on completion of the investigations. They allowed all the employees to leave at 9:30 am, and sealed some of company floors for further investigations.

The company’s main task is to develop different software for markets in United Kindgom, Dubai, and United States. For this purpose, it had hired thousands of workers who worked day and night in two separate buildings located at Shahrah-e-Faisal.

Sources state that the company has been earning foreign exchange worth millions of dollar through software exports since many years, and its main competitors are Exact Group and TRG in Pakistan.

A few days back, the company also terminated a few its employees who were involved in defaming Digitonics Lab. Employees were informed of this by the company through an internal WhatApp group.

The author is a senior business reporter with bylines in leading newspapers and magazines across Pakistan.


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