The Council of Common Interests (CCI) deferred matters pertaining to cost of electricity, gas and fuel till January. During the meeting he CCI approved a PKR 350 billion project for tackling malnutrition.

According to press release, Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired the 43rd meeting of CCI, which was attended by the chief ministers of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.

The Prime Minister emphasised that energy issues have a national impact. He said it was necessary that a consensus was developed among the provinces where a win-win result can be achieved for the benefit of the people of Pakistan.

The Council of Common Interest decided to grant a one-time approval for the swap or substitute arrangement of one exploration block with another prospective block within the province. However, the CCI put a condition that Petroleum Division should incorporate a time limit for such for such swap.

The CCI took serious notice of the critical issue of malnutrition and stunted growth among children, and unanimously agreed to launch a development project, “Tackling Malnutrition Induced Stunting in Pakistan” at a total cost of approximately Rs 350 billion.

This project will be completed during the next five years. According to press release issued by the media wing of Prime Minister, the CCI agreed that 50 percent cost, approximately Rs 175 billion, would be provided by the Federal Government and an equal distribution is to be made by the provincial governments for five years. The project would target 30% of the country’s total population.


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