Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged the international community to address the humanitarian needs of the people of Afghanistan and help the nation rebuild its economy.

This was stated by the prime minister while talking to his Belgian counterpart Alexander De Croo who called him by telephone on Monday. The Belgian PM appreciated Pakistan’s help in evacuation of foreign nationals from Afghanistan.

Prime Minister Alexander De Croo is the fifth leader who called Imran Khan to exchange views on Afghanistan situation since the ouster of the Ashraf Ghani government. 

Earlier, Dutch premier Mark Rutte, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Danish PM Mette Frederiksen had talked to him by telephone.

Prime Minister Imran stressed that the safety and security of the Afghan people and stability in Afghanistan were vital for peace in the region and the world.

He said that peace and reconciliation and an inclusive political solution would contribute to stabilisation efforts.

He underscored the importance of a peaceful and stable Afghanistan for Pakistan and regional stability.

The two prime ministers exchanged views on the ongoing evacuation efforts.

The Belgian prime minister thanked premier Imran for Pakistan’s help in the evacuation and facilitation of foreign diplomats. 

Belgian premier De Croo also extended an invitation to premier Imran to visit Belgium. Both leaders agreed to remain in contact.


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