In response to the letter written by the European Union envoys in Pakistan, asking Islamabad to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the bloc where they were when India broke the international law in Kashmir.

PM Imran spoke about the European Union envoy’s letter to Pakistan in a public rally in the Mailsi, Vehari district. 

The premier told the rally that following his parent’s teachings, he had always believed that Pakistan should not be a “slave to anyone”.

“EU ambassadors wrote a letter to Pakistan, asking us to issue an anti-Russia statement. I ask EU ambassadors “did you write that letter to India as well?” said PM Imran.

The premier reminded the participants of the rally that Pakistan had helped the Western bloc throughout its War on Terror, adding that had he been in power at that time, he would have never made Pakistan a party to the war. 

“The head of the country at that time supported the US,” said PM Imran. He wondered what Pakistan got out of supporting the West apart from losing 80,000 of its citizens, displacement of 3.5 million people, and losing over $100 billion.

“I ask EU ambassadors; did you thank us? Did you say we helped you in your war? Did you appreciate us?” PM Imran questioned the EU envoys.

The premier reminded the envoys that instead of thanking Pakistan, there were some people in the West that scapegoated Islamabad.

“When India broke international law in Kashmir and abrogated Kashmir’s autonomous status, did anyone of you break ties with India, end trade or criticise [New Delhi]?” asked PM Imran.

“What are we? Are we your slaves? Do we do what you say?” the premier questioned.

He then asked the people why drone attacks were happening in the country from 2008 to 2018.

Launching an attack on former president Asif Ali Zardari and ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif, he said that they did not stop the drone attacks as their wealth was stashed in Western countries.

“They feared that the day they speak up [the West] would seize their properties. Today, Russian assets in the West are being seized and they also feared this,” said PM Imran.

The PM also remarked that terror attacks in the country used to happen as people “whose family members were killed” in the drone attacks “used to take revenge from Pakistan” because “they knew that the attacks were being carried out with Islamabad’s permission.”

The premier said that Pakistan does not want enmity with anyone.

“We seek friendship with everyone,” he said, and reiterated that Pakistan is friends with Russia, the US, Europe, China and was not part of “any camp”.

“We are neutral [and] we will try to work with those countries to end the war in Ukraine. As the war is harming the country, oil, wheat and gas prices have skyrocketed,” said PM Imran.

The premier said Islamabad will not take part in any war but will be “a part of peace[ful] solution to the conflict.”


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