ISLAMABAD: In elections held at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Pakistan has secured the membership of three key UN bodies – the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and the Commission on Population and Development (CPD).

These commissions play a pivotal role in enhancing international cooperation on various social and economic issues, a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry said.

The elections were conducted at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), a 54-member principal organ of the UN.

“Pakistan’s election to CCPCJ and CPD was by the unanimous endorsement of all ECOSOC members, while in the balloting to elect CSW members, Pakistan received 50 votes,” said the statement. Pakistan will assume the membership of these three Commissions starting from January 1, 2022, it added.

According to the ministry, “Pakistan’s simultaneous election to these three important commissions is a reflection of the international community’s confidence in Pakistan’s active role and constructive contributions at the United Nations.”

“Pakistan will continue to foster international cooperation for combating transnational organised crime and improving efficiency and fairness of criminal justice administration systems, promote gender equality and women empowerment, and support initiatives aimed at assisting countries in developing their capacity to produce and analyse population data and information,” the statement added.


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