Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed has said the government is reviewing the role played by the social media during the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) protest and arson drive in the country.

Talking to media in Islamabad on Wednesday, Sheikh Rasheed said the main purpose of social media was to destroy the peace of Pakistan.

The social media was fed from abroad, he said and added that more than 200,000 Indians were logged on to social media and uploading malicious messages against Pakistan.

Sheikh Rasheed said India wanted to malign Pakistan’s image in FATF and trying to move us in the black list of the anti-money laundering and terror financing watchdog from its grey list.

He said Pakistan army and other security forces rendered sacrifices to uproot terrorism and restore peace to the country.

The government has released 669 Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) protesters out of 733 workers detained under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO), said Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed in a press conference on Wednesday.

The minister said at least 210 cases were filed against the protesters, including TLP chief Saad Rizvi, that will be concluded through the legal process. The minister said that at least 20 vehicles were burnt during the four-day-long protests.

For the first in the history of the country, more than 700 policemen were injured during a protest campaign, he added.

Speaking about the ban on the TLP, the interior minister said that the ban on the TLP will not be lifted. “There are 30 days as per law for an organisation to appeal against the ban,” the minister added.

About Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s spat with National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, he said the former used filthy language which a former prime minister should not have used.

Regarding National Assembly session, he said a resolution on expulsion of French ambassador was tabled and discussed. The parliament will take a decision on the resolution, he maintained.

The prime minister is going to take the Western rulers into confidence on the honour of the Prophet PBUH, Sheikh Rasheed said.

He said the government is not under any pressure.


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