According to the latest figures released by National Command & Operation Centre 659 people have tested positive for Covid-19 on 15 October. In addition to this, 7 people lost their lives in the last 24 hours.

The total active cases in Pakistan are 9,421. Total tests conducted in the country yesterday were 33,901.

11,678 tests were conducted in Punjab province, in Sindh 9,687, in KPK 5,330, in Balochistan 1029, In Gilgit Baltistan 518 and Azad Kashmir 674.

305,835 people have recovered so far across Pakistan making it a significant count. 4 vents occupied across Pakistan out of 1884 vents allocated for COVID-19. There is no patient on vent in AJK & Balochistan.

74 vents occupied across Pakistan out of 1884 vents allocated for COVID-19. A total of 321,877 cases detected so far (AJK 3322, Balochistan 15621, GB 4016, ICT 17781, KP 38521, Punjab 101367, Sindh 141249)

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at


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