The Punjab government denied the reports claiming that the entry of TikTokers was banned in parks all across the province, following the incident on 14th August.

Geo News reported the alleged ban and it instantly went viral. The Punjab’s focal person for digital media, Azhar Mashwani took to twitter to deny the news.

“Fake News. No such decision taken so far by government. Currently, TikTok is banned in Pakistan,” Mashwani said

The report by Geo News had stated that only the state media will be allowed to shoot at public parks. Any Youtuber or Tiktoker intending to make videos would require permission and submission of the script in advance.

The Punjab Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA) Director General (DG) Jawad Ahmad Qureshi also issued a denial. Qureshi claimed that no official notification had been issued regarding the ban of TikTokers.

He commented that the authorities reponsibilities were limited to providing facilities and security equipment for the said parks. Although ensuring security wasn’t their domain, efforts were being made to improve the environment of such places. A suggested idea was declaring one day as “family day”, when only families will be allowed to visit the parks.

This decision was reported after the harassment of a female TikToker in Greater Iqbal Park on 14th August. There were 400 accused men and multiple have been taken into custody since then. It is a a proof of how insecure the public places have become.

Although many apreciated the alleged ban on TikTokers it is just another extension of victim blaming: Pakistan’s great flaws. TikTok is currently banned in Pakistan, for the third time in one year. Cour proceedings are underway in this regard.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at


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