Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan believes in a close relationship with Russia

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says strategic relations with Russia are an important aspect of Armenia’s security. 

When presenting a new government program to the parliament on Tuesday, the Armenian premier highlighted the importance of relations with Russia. 

“I want to specifically highlight the strategic alliance with Russia which is one of the key factors of our country’s security architecture. The treaty on friendship, cooperation, and mutual assistance between Armenia and Russia and the treaty on the joint armed force group of Armenia and Russia will continue ramping up the capabilities of [the Russian] 102nd military base in our country,” he explained.

According to Pashinyan, “Russian border control officers continue to protect the Armenian state border, Russia is an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair and participates in discussions aimed at resolving the situation at the Sotk-Khoznavar section (border with Azerbaijan).”

“Armenia is committed to expanding strategic relations with Russia as well as deepening cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), and other international forums,” he added.

Pashinyan expressed serious concern over the fact that a strong anti-propaganda campaign is underway in Azerbaijan directed against the Russian peacekeepers.

“I think that the fact that our captured citizens have been sentenced to long years in prison by the Azerbaijani courts also aims at discrediting the Russian peacekeepers and the Russian peacekeeping mission”, Pashinyan said.

He stated that actions will be taken to further strengthen the Armenian-Russian political dialogue at the highest level and deepen the cooperation with Russia within the frames of the EAEU, CSTO, CIS, and other multilateral formats.

“I must highlight the special personal role that Russian President Vladimir Putin has played and plays in developing the Armenian-Russian relations, ensuring security and stability in our region, stopping the 44-day war, and returning our captives. President Putin’s personal involvement and the trustful atmosphere between us is the guarantee to constantly raise the efficiency of the Armenian-Russian relations”, he added.


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