Punjab police said Abdi Malhi, the main suspect of the Lahore-Sialkot motorway gang-rape case, was arrested from Faisalabad.

Police has shifted Abid Malahi to Lahore, a police spokesperson said. Another suspect Shafqat Ali is on 14-day judicial remand.  Shafqat’s DNA had matched with the samples collected from the crime scene.

While quoting police sources, local newspapers claimed that Abid had raped the victim. Abid and Shafqat ran away as they heard warning shots fired by the Dolphine Squad. They hid in a nearby jungle of Karol Ghati and then they left to Sheikhupura. They went in hiding as they watched media reports about their henious crime.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at info@thecorrespondent.com.pk.


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